- Go over emergency plan with employees
- Make sure to have documentation of all your business equipment
- Have digital copies of important documents
With the peak of hurricane season just around the corner it is important as a small business owner to be prepared. Some recommendations to prepare for a disaster are keep documents safe, have business equipment documentation at hand, and go over emergency plan.

Source: National Geographic
When it comes to important documents for your business like financial and tax records it is wise to make sure the documents are digitally archived and that you have multiple copies stored in multiple places. With equipment it is important write down a list of what equipment is owned by the business. This also includes providing pictures and videos of the equipment before the disaster. The list, picture, and videos of equipment can later be used to get insurance coverage of the equipment was damaged. Going over a business plan with all your employees in case of a disaster every year is very important to keep everyone safe. You can go over the plan once a year or every time someone new is hired into your business.
If you want more information on how you can prepare your business read FEMA ready business hurricane toolkit.