What is an ITIN?
An ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain, a Social Security number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA). An ITIN is used by individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number for federal tax purposes but do not have, and are not eligible to obtain, a SSN from the SSA.

How do you get an ITIN?
In order to obtain an ITIN, individuals must complete and submit IRS Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, along with the required documentation. Documentation generally includes a valid passport, or other acceptable identification documents, and may include additional documents depending on the individual’s particular circumstances. The W-7 form and supporting documentation can be mailed to the IRS or submitted to an IRS-authorized Acceptance Agent or Certifying Acceptance Agent.
How long does it take to receive an ITIN?
The IRS generally issues ITINs within seven weeks of receiving a complete and accurate Form W-7 and supporting documentation.
Can you use your ITIN to open a bank account?
Yes, some banks allow customers to open a bank account using their ITIN. However, it is important to check with the bank in advance to make sure that they accept ITINs as a valid form of identification.
What can you not do with an ITIN?
An ITIN cannot be used to obtain employment in the United States, apply for Social Security benefits, or to get a driver’s license.
We can help you obtain your ITIN. Contact us for more information.